Introduction to the OSH Coordinator: A quick read on all you need to know

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In a statistic released by Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), it is revealed that in 2019, there were 578 reported cases of death due to occupational accidents and diseases in Malaysia. 79 percent of these cases which is equal to 489 workers are from the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector.

In an effort to help tackle this issue, DOSH created the Occupational, Safety and Health (OSH) Coordinator position to promote and nurture a safer and healthier workplace in Malaysia. They also began to promote the OSH Coordinator Training Program and organize trainings for interested participants.

In this article, we are going to provide an Introduction to the OSH Coordinator, the training program and all you need to know about it!

OSH Coordinator Training Program

First off, lets discuss the training program itself.

The training will be over 3 days and will cover 11 modules ranging from topics such as the basic management of OSH SMEs to practical exercise on Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC).

If you’re interested on the modules and its subtopics for this training program, feel free to refer to our training brochure here.    

Another matter that employers have to take note of is that not every training provider is allowed to conduct the OSH Coordinator training program. Only a training provider that fulfills all the requirements set by DOSH is given certification to run the training program.

MySHEQA for example, thanks to our appointment by DOSH in October 2022, is one of the training providers in Malaysia that is able to conduct the training program.  This appointment is proof that the training provider able to provide and organize an effective and efficient training program.

A full list of all approved training centers in Malaysia can be found here

The OSH Coordinator?

Moving on to the OSH Coordinator, also known as OSH Coordinator is a position introduced by the DOSH as early as 2016. The main role of an OSH Coordinator is to coordinate the health and safety at the workplace by identifying hazards, assessing risks and taking reasonable actions to OSH Compliance.

Emphasized in the new section 29A of the Occupational Safety and Health (Amended) Act 2022, the OSH Coordinator is looking to be a future position that all SMEs are required to have on their premises. As stated,

“29a. (1) An employer whose place of work is not included

in any class or description of place of work as published

in the Gazette under subsection 29(1) shall appoint one of

his employees to act as an occupational safety and health

coordinator if he employs five or more employees at his

place of work.”

However, this raises the question, what exactly is considered a SME? Well according to a guideline released by DOSH, an SME is any business that employs “5 or more people” and earns more than RM 300,000 per year. If your business meets these criteria, you are considered an SME and therefore legally required to appoint an OSH Coordinator among your staff.  

Along with this, Section 29A also mentions a fine for organizations that fail to appoint an OSH Coordinator, whereby DOSH may fine these businesses a fine of up to RM 50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.

But who can be an OSH Coordinator, are there any entry requirements? And what is the role and benefit of an OSH Coordinator for an employer and the person themselves?

OSH Coordinator requirements

The employer cannot simply send anyone to the training program to earn the OSH Coordinator certificate. There are several requirements that the selected employee has to meet before he or she is qualified to attend the training.

According to DOSH documents, the entry requirements for an employee to attend OSH Coordinator training and be an OSH Coordinator are:

  1. Malaysian nationality
  2. 19 – 60 years old
  3. Fit to work
  4. Has working experience of 12 months@1 year
  5. Document of employment supported by employer
  6. Minimum SPM or SKM level of education
  7. Passes the OSH Coordinator Training Program that is either organized by DOSH or by a training provider approved by DOSH

While certain employees meet the criteria to be an OSH Coordinator, employers have to be smart in choosing who to invest their money into, to train to be an OSH Coordinator. These employees have to have the right mindset to become an OSH Coordinator.  

Here are some recommended traits employers need to look out for when choosing which employee to send for OSH Coordinator training.

  1. Has basic knowledge about Occupational Safety and Health
  2. Is conscious of their work surroundings
  3. Honest and diligent when conducting their duties
  4. Has an interest in Occupational Safety and Health

Responsibility of an OSH Coordinator

Above, we wrote that the OSH Coordinator main role is “to coordinate the health and safety at the workplace by identifying hazards, assessing risks and taking reasonable actions to OSH Compliance.” DOSH documents state that this responsibility includes:

  • To provide advice to management
    • The OSH Coordinator will advise the employer on the steps required to be taken for the occupational safety and health of the workers.
  • To inspect the workplace
    • The OSH Coordinator assists the employer to inspect the workplace for any hazards
  • To report incidents to the authorities
    • The OSH Coordinator will help the employer report any occupational accidents and diseases to DOSH officers through documents JKKP 6, JKKP 7 and JKKP 8.
  • To conduct risk management
    • The OSH Coordinator helps the employer conduct risk management practices at the workplaces
  • To perform ad hoc duties
    • The OSH Coordinator will conduct ad hoc duties related to occupational safety and health at the request of the employee.

Advantages of an OSH Coordinator

Aside from the increased safety at the workplace, the OSH Coordinator certification provides many benefits to the OSH Coordinator as well, for example:

  • The OSH Certification is useable in all SMEs in Malaysia
  • A future career in the OSH sector
  • Have a deeper understanding on the OSH subject
  • Increase in the quality of life at the workplace

In addition to this, once the participant completes their training program and is officially an OSH Coordinator, they will be registered as an official competent person (OYK) on the DOSH website, which can be viewed here, paving a road for the OSH Coordinators to start a career in the OSH sector.


When a participant registers for OSH Coordinator Training Program with MySHEQA, they will receive substantial rewards after the training has been conducted. After training has been completed, MySHEQA will give free membership to HSEClick, along with free access to our 2-hour “Introduction to Ergonomic” eLearning course, adding on to their OSH knowledge.

Aside from this, MySHEQA will also prepare Safety Management templates (for example, HIRAC, Incident Management and etc.) to further assist future OSH Coordinators in their duties.


Interested employers can click here to learn more about MySHEQAs OSH Coordinator training program.


All in all, the OSH Coordinator is a crucial position that every organization has to have at their workplace, while fulfilling the legal requirements set down by DOSH. Not only will this promote better safety and health culture at the workplace but ensure if any accident were to happen, it can be dealt with efficiently and effectively.

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